Joined: Sep, 2013 Member for: 8 Years, 4 Months Member Status:Active Player Last Event Attended: 2024-10-04 Last Game Played:The Castles of Burgundy
Career Statistics:
First Place Wins: 8 Second Place Wins: 23 Draws: 0 Losses: 58 Penalties: 0 Scored Games Played: 89 Total Games Played: 89 Win-Loss %: 34.8
Career Achievements:
Mouse over images for descriptions.
League Awards:
2019 Most Second Place Wins
Gamer Biography:
I have been playing board games for many years but have just concentrated on trying and buying new games for the past 2 years. My girlfriend and I combined own around 250 board games. I am personally attempting to collect all of the Alea games.
Game Library:
This member is sharing the following games with the League: