Edmonton Board Gaming League



Matt B

Joined: Jan, 2024
Member for: 0 Years, 9 Months
Member Status: Rookie
Last Event Attended: 2024-07-26
Last Game Played: The Quacks of Quedlinburg

Career Statistics:

First Place Wins: 1
Second Place Wins: 0
Draws: 0
Losses: 2
Penalties: 0
Scored Games Played: 3
Total Games Played: 3
Win-Loss %: 33.3

Career Achievements:

Mouse over images for descriptions.

League Awards:

Member has no awards at this time.

Gamer Biography:

I was looking for something new to do about 4 years ago. I bought Marvel Legendary Villains and thought it was pretty rad. Then I moved on to Terraforming Mars. I loved it and was blown away by how far board games had come since I was a kid. I had no idea! Since then I’ve only played in short spurts, struggling to find people interested in the hobby, or the right group for me. I love how big - how many members - the EBGL has! And how I’ll get to focus on 1 game at a time! I’ve been in meetup groups where every night was a new game. It’s like starting TV series and never finishing them!

Game Library:

This member is not sharing any games currently.

Edmonton Board Gaming League