Joined: Mar, 2011 Member for: 10 Years, 10 Months Member Status:Active Player Last Event Attended: 2024-09-28 Last Game Played: Special Event
Career Statistics:
First Place Wins: 10 Second Place Wins: 25 Draws: 0 Losses: 70 Penalties: 0 Scored Games Played: 105 Total Games Played: 113 Win-Loss %: 33.3
Career Achievements:
Mouse over images for descriptions.
League Awards:
2014 Most Second Place Wins
Gamer Biography:
I’ve been playing games since I was a kid, but I discovered BGG in 2003 and fell down the rabbit hole. Now I have a modest collection of ~50-60 games. I started a public game group where I previously lived in the NWT, have returned to Edmonton to go to school and now I’m seeking a game group. The EBGL is exactly the sort of thing I am dying to be a part of!
Game Library:
This member is sharing the following games with the League: