Edmonton Board Gaming League



Curtis R

Joined: May, 2013
Member for: 8 Years, 8 Months
Member Status: Benched
Last Event Attended: 2013-09-20
Last Game Played: Eclipse

Career Statistics:

First Place Wins: 1
Second Place Wins: 2
Draws: 0
Losses: 1
Penalties: 1
Scored Games Played: 4
Total Games Played: 4
Win-Loss %: 75.0

Career Achievements:

Mouse over images for descriptions.

League Awards:

Member has no awards at this time.

Gamer Biography:

I have played all types of games for my whole life. While board games are some of my favorite, it can be hard to gather enough people, and there can be difficulty staying focused on the game. A group of dedicated enthusiasts sounds like a fantastic solution to both issues.

Game Library:

This member is not sharing any games currently.

Edmonton Board Gaming League