Edmonton Board Gaming League



Christopher S

Joined: Jan, 2014
Member for: 8 Years, 0 Months
Member Status: Benched
Last Event Attended: 2014-04-04
Last Game Played: Lords of Waterdeep

Career Statistics:

First Place Wins: 0
Second Place Wins: 1
Draws: 0
Losses: 2
Penalties: 0
Scored Games Played: 3
Total Games Played: 3
Win-Loss %: 33.3

Career Achievements:

Mouse over images for descriptions.

League Awards:

Member has no awards at this time.

Gamer Biography:

I've played the following games prior to joining the EBGL: BSG + all three Exp Twilight Imperium + 2 Exp. Saboteur Railroads of the World Legendary + 2 Expansions Mage Tower Settlers of Catan Firefly

Game Library:

This member is sharing the following games with the League:

Title (click to sort)
Lords of Waterdeep
Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels of Skullport

Edmonton Board Gaming League